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6 weeks 'til Summer!

4 things to be doing Now


Here comes the sun! We’ve had an insanely awesome Spring so it’s likely you’ve already got your pins out and had a peek at your bathing suit. Here’s four ways you can get your bod ready to hit the beach and enjoy the best of summer celebrating the fruits of your 2014 labor!


1.     get your skin ready to bare; if you ‘re not already using one these bad boys get on to it! This will be your bestie leading up to mini-dresses and bikinis. Dry body brushing boosts circulation and removes dead skin cell, all you need to do is take about 5 minutes before you shower, using long stroked toward your heart <3

2.     ramp up the morning yoga; this is the wisest time of year to work up a sweat and get things flowing in your practice, while the mornings are still cool. Spring is all about renewal and cleansing and when we don’t do this thoroughly, the heat of summer can be overwhelming and may deplete our prana lifeforce. 

3.     get super sun savvy; ok so here’s the thing. Sunscreen is toxic, it’s terrible stuff (do your research) unless your using an organic one. I LOVE using natural oils that have a SPF of their own. Raspberry seed oil has an SPF of 30+!! and I’ve found that a combo of cacao butter, grapeseed oil and macadamia oil does the trick pretty nicely. Obviously in Perth you don’t want to be sitting out in the sun all day, but some vitamin D is essential for us to feel happy inside.  Check out for heaps of organic and cold pressed oils.

4.     Lighten your load; start embracing smaller and lighter meals, like I said Spring is about cleansing so this is a great time to jump on the juice bandwagon and cut heavy grains and proteins.  We use 80% of our energy digesting so when we give the gut a break we have way more pizazz to move n groove n heal.


Check out our latest upcoming events for November and December here, we have oh-so much to celebrate and share with YOU!


All my love, yogis
