Whether you want random people to talk to you or not, these 4 books have each cleared my lens of perception, shaped my current thinking and undoubtedly changed the trajectory of my life. Immersing in these high vibe words and teachings is a seriously potent way to receive personal experience and insight into living a yogic life.
After a full month at a silent Zen meditation centre in South India, I had convinced myself that I was going to die up there on that mountain (now looking back, I see clearly a part of me did die) I was on a horrific overnight bus ride, coming down the mountain, coming to terms with mortality and reading this book. A fellow passenger, the first person I had spoken to in a month, started reading over my shoulder and asking many, many questions, Indian style. This went on for hours, until we arrived on the plateau, disembarked and I felt reborn. The sun rose over the bustling depot and I thought “Last night, Jack Kornfeild saved my life”
6 months later, at the Northern tip of India, Darjeeling, I ran into this same man, he tapped me on the shoulder “Hello Miss Amanda, are you still on the path with heart?”
And so….
This has become my bible to the Chakras and understanding all things body-mind. If you want a new way of looking at illness, disease and habitual thinking check this out. Anodea has devoted her life to working out the Chakra system so this is an incredible reference; and there’s some really cool stuff on childhood development too.
PATHS TO GOD: Living the Bhagavad Gita
In 2009 I was reading this book at a café in Perth city and an incessantly excitable man struck up a conversation with me, believe it or not, this guy is now one of my closest friends. Within the first few pages of reading this beautiful, practical guide I had a massive penny-drop, ah-ha moment and suddenly I ‘got’ what all the yoga books I’d previously read were going on about.
If you’re thinking “Bagava-what?!” Don’t fret, this book is a totally accessible way to get cozy with the ancient Bhagavad Gita, applying this epic spiritual framework to a crazy, modern life.
At first I couldn’t get my head around accepting life as a ‘Catasrophe’ but now I know it’s all about embracing the fullness of human experience – the good, bad and ugly – with open arms and an open mind, acknowledging that “this too, will pass” After reading this book and completing the 8 week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course over 5 years ago, I still find myself mentally referring to and using the tools from this book almost everyday. Do It.