“This week I got to dive into the heart and mind of my mentor Nianna Bray, who’s sharing her wisdom with us next month in our Teacher Training “The Art of Sequencing Flow” Im so excited to be sharing her goodness with you all! ”
What are you currently exploring or experimenting with in your yoga practice?
Right now in my asana practice I am super excited about strengthening my glutes, low back and sacrum. I am getting into some very interesting places of healing and empowerment and my back bends are deepening in a more natural and heart exploding way. Back bending is a beautiful challenge for me as my psoas and hip flexors resist. I have found that the more I strengthen my sacral area and glutes the more access I have to lengthening my front body. In my inner mental sadhana I am exploring a deep softening around attaining. I am letting go and sitting with what is.This is forever fascinating to me.
What’s your fave way to nourish yourself?
The best way to nourish myself right now is with offering myself time to relax and releasing any struggle, time to enjoy nourishing foods, and by reminding myself when things feel difficult that what I really desire is peace. This keeps me feeling blessed and grateful which continues to nourish me. Its a positive loop. My best advice is to not beat ourselves up with undue striving and stress and to rest in the loving space of our own hearts. Its magic.
What does it mean to Evolve?
Hmmm.... good one. In my experience it means that I no longer get in my own way and I am triggered less and less. I relax my tensions around life and release mental emotional fixations. Evolution to me means that I learn my lessons and apply them to my life as quickly as I can! It means I make choices that help me to feel good and stop making choices that leave me feeling like crap. Our own personal evolution will look very different. We have all come here to learn about love but we are all having our own experiences, challenges, triumphs and we learn in different ways.
What do you love most about travelling?
Travel has been my teacher. Travel has refined my character and reminds me of what is essential, what is our common human bond and how beautiful the planet and her people truly are. Mark Twain says it perfectly, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigoty, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be aquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all ones lifetime." I encourage everyone to see this earth as our mother and other humans as our brothers and sisters. This view cultivates love and feeds our soul.
Want a getaway in Bali with Nianna? Check out her upcoming yoga retreat!
EXPLORE BALI: Yoga Adventure Retreat
March 23-30th
@ Kura Kura Beach Retreat in Southern Bali
A retreat to Bali is a life enhancing experience. Everyone is invited! Come nurture yourself and relax into the embrace of paradise, the island of the gods as we dedicate a week to personal transformation, fun, freedom and clarity.
During our time together we will be immersed in daily ritual the Balinese way as we experience a deep connection at Kura Kura, living close to nature, with the rhythms of the sea just a few steps away, listening to the local birds singing in the coconut trees and to the sounds of the gamelan and mantras from temples close by. We will practice yoga and meditate daily, go on beautiful hikes, visit the Monkey Forest, get massages, explore a dormant volcano and rest in the beauty of this magical tropical island.