Time is a circle, without beginning or end. It moves in cycles, one flowing seamlessly into the next. Many moments make a life and when we return to honouring every cycle and exactly what it has to offer, we Live a whole life. Embracing all forms, birth and death, all seasons, the light and dark.
The flow of the day is influenced by the three doshas, connected to the circadian rhythm, each dosha energy is dominant throughout the course of day and night. Understanding the cyclical nature of time is going to help you create a schedule that you love and is fully supported by nature.
Post sunrise / sunset - Kalpha
The start of the day, from sunrise until 10am and the evening hours, after sunset until 10pm is dominant in Kalpha. Kalpha is consistent and grounding which is why having your morning and evening ritual time is key to setting the tone of your day. And preparing for optimal sleep and rejuvenation through the night
Midday / Midnight - Pitta
From 10 - 2 (both am and pm) we move into Pitta time. The Sun is high in the sky, agni (heat) is increasing which means our digestive fire is strongest at this time. This is the best time to eat your main meal of the day. It’s also the best time to do your work in the world. Pitta is motivated to get the job done so ride that wave of focus and direction. While the moon is peaking, Pitta power is dedicated to purifying and restoring both body and mind as we rest deeply.
Afternoon / Pre dawn - Vata
The afternoon, from 2pm - sunset is dominant in Vata. This energy is about movement and change. Do something creative or spontaneous. Vata also supports communication, both with others and with our inner self. The hours pre dawn from 2am - sunrise is ideal for coming into union with universal consciousness, vivid dreams, insights and psychological healing are all happening at this time. Try waking 30 minutes before sunrise and drop into profound meditation.
All the natural time cycles are mirrored in your inner world. Women’s hormones are regulated by the monthly lunar cycle, whereas men run on the 24 hour solar cycle. The moon and menstruation are innately connected. Women the world over, have had a special connection to the lunar cycles since the beginning of time. Our ancestors had rituals and ways of understanding the magic of the moon that we are now beginning to remember and reclaim.
The body of mother earth is made up of mostly water, as is your body. The tides of the ocean rise and fall according to the proximity of the moon. The tides of your inner waters are affected by the moon in the same way. This tidal pull is due to the electromagnetic field of the planet, and simply put, when we attune to the moon we become magnetic - able to receive exactly what we desire with ease.