“Stuart and I have been walking the path together for many years now and the way he lives life in full presence, joy and alignment always inspires me. Get a taste of his wisdom below and to join Stuart for a Journey to the Stillpoint sunday session secure your place at our events page mow!”
What are you currently exploring or experimenting with in your yoga practice?
How long I can hold my breath : ) Seriously actually. I'm enjoying refining my pranayama practice and with that is a delightful extension of the gap at the top of each inhalation and at the emptiness after the exhalation. One of the simplest pranayama exercises, yet one of the endlessly expansive yet grounding exercises. I then enjoy bringing that refined, relaxed breathing into any and all situations, making it easier to have a really sweet connection to the heart and to presence.
What’s your fave way to nourish yourself?
A day of just organic cold pressed juices, and lots of quiet stillness.
What does it mean to Evolve?
To me it is to fully, FULLY be present. To be quiet, receptive ,open , aligned. - present .Everything is evolving, but the lower mind has survival tendencies to resist change, therefore resist evolving. For many of us it's a big challenge or a big unexpected life changing jolt that finally gets us present enough to evolve.
What do you love most about teaching yoga?
I love seeing people evolve and fall deeply in love with life over and over again. I love being involved in the yoga community. I love the authentic friendships that have been formed from teaching yoga. I could keep going on and on. I really love teaching yoga!
What are your big dreams for 2015?
Well I'm writing a book and I'm putting another DVD out there, so they're both being amazing journeys. I'm very excited for our India retreat in May in which my little family is co-creating this pilgrimage adventure. And I'm really just loving each and every day to it's fullest. My wildest most divine dreams are being cultivated day in day out, so I'm endlessly grateful!