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Discovering Ayurvedic doshas

Our entry point into the realm of Ayurveda are the three doshas, an extension and a refinement of the five natural elements. Ayurveda is the science of Living that umbrellas over our whole life - including our yoga practice, diet, sleep, sexuality and spirituality. Ayurveda is rooted in mother nature and teaches us how to become fluent in our primordial mother tongue, the language of nature. 

The doshas are described as a manifestation of universal consciousness itself. We humans are a unique alchemy of the three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kalpha. Just as we are made of the same minerals and molecules as in nature, we too are manifestations of universal consciousness. 

Think of the doshas like colours and your life as a blank canvas. Understanding the doshas will help you create the most gorgeous life, your living artistry. The doshas play out within us and all throughout the natural world and understanding this relationship provides us with a deeper intimacy with ourselves, a deeper knowing of our body, mind, personality, emotions and even our reincarnating soul.





  • Dry

  • Light

  • Cold

  • Rough

  • Moving

  • Creative

  • Free Spirit




  • Oily

  • Sharp

  • Penetrating

  • Hot

  • Magnetic

  • Motivated

  • Warrior




  • Heavy

  • Slow

  • Smooth

  • Dense

  • Soft

  • Stable

  • Emotive

  • Compassionate

Learn more and discover your personal dosha with my quiz!

It’s fun and will take about 5 minutes to understand your unique body-mind type PLUS you’ll receive a dosha balancing yoga practice specifically for your type.