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How to take your Doing from Depleting to Regenerative in 2024

How to take your Doing from Depleting to Regenerative in 2024

Over the last few years I have experienced the real benefit in routine and natural rhythms. Prior to 2020 I was traveling full time “home-free” for about 4 or 5 years. Every day looked different, every week was a different location and while I had my morning and evening rituals it’s only since being grounded in Bali that I realize how much ease comes through relating to time from one place. 

Keeping the Passion Alive; 4 Tips for Yoga Teachers

Keeping the Passion Alive; 4 Tips for Yoga Teachers

Some people are in the yoga teaching game for the long haul. Some people do a YTT, teach for a year or two then move on. Some people do a YTT and never teach a public class. Some people never do a YTT and are the best in the biz. It’s not everybody's path to be actively teaching year in year out, rain hail or shine but if it is you, read on for my musings on keeping the Passion alive after 15 years in the game. 

Why your Vinyasa Flow is throwing you off balance

Why your Vinyasa Flow is throwing you off balance

I want to share with you the Ayurvedic wisdom that explains why practicing Vinyasa style in the evening causes all kinds of imbalance and what we should be doing instead. But first, I need to take you back in time. 

Circa 2012, I opened a tiny boutique yoga studio in the heart of the seedy, nightclub district of Perth’s inner city. The studio sat above a dungeon-like internet gaming place where I occasionally had to pop in to borrow their printer, and next door to a strip club where glamorous girls streamed through the back alley door and guys in fluorescent work shirts lined up on the sidewalk out front.  

Discovering Ayurvedic doshas

Our entry point into the realm of Ayurveda are the three doshas, an extension and a refinement of the five natural elements. Ayurveda is the science of Living that umbrellas over our whole life - including our yoga practice, diet, sleep, sexuality and spirituality. Ayurveda is rooted in mother nature and teaches us how to become fluent in our primordial mother tongue, the language of nature. 

Coffee & your Ayurvedic dosha

Coffee & your Ayurvedic dosha

Since my high school days, where I would rock up late to first period, waltz in with coffee in hand (my teachers must have seriously rolled their eyes at this!) I have had a love affair with coffee. Working as a barista in trendy cafes where drinking copious cups of coffee is the norm, fuelled my habitual coffee drinking and I didn’t give it a second thought.

Kitchari recipe

Kitchari recipe

Use your discernment and intuition to decide on what ingredients are balancing for you, go with produce that is organic, in season and as local as possible. This recipe  is balancing for all doshas but you can super charge it with the spices, veggies and grains that work best for you.