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body geometry // chaturanga

body geometry // chaturanga

Even in classes when there is no OM-ing to be heard or talk of tradition, this pose always gets its Sanskrit name and it always shows up in one way or another in a vinyasa class. That’s because, It’s one of the most foundational asana that helps us to strengthen both core and upper body, which then goes on to empower all our more advanced asana.

Why you need to know what Herbal Ice is

Why you need to know what Herbal Ice is

Many people are unaware of the specialty area within Chinese medicine known as 'Dit Da' medicine. This translates literally as 'Hit-Fall' medicine and is a field of practice that developed alongside the Chinese martial arts. 'Dit Da' medicine was initially aimed at dealing with the types of musculoskeletal injuries that occured as a result of martial arts training - bruises, contusions, strains, sprains, cracked ribs, dislocations, bleeding and so on - at all stages of their presentation. 

Yogis guide to Tokyo

Yogis guide to Tokyo

It’s no secret I love to travel, with my eyes wide, ears and heart open I feel alive. According to resident yoga teachers that I spoke to in Japan, yoga is well loved but not always prioritized in Tokyo. Eating healthy and finding enough space to roll out a yoga mat can be tricky so here are a few gems that can keep you in the flow while roaming TYO.

The most harrowing week of my life / Pranayama 101 + permission to quit trying to 'quiet your mind'

The most harrowing week of my life / Pranayama 101 + permission to quit trying to 'quiet your mind'

This is has been one of the most harrowing weeks of my life.  

I experienced acute anxiety where I learned the meaning of feeling like your stomach is in knots.

On Sunday morning, after a peaceful night camping in the bush, we turned on our mobile phones and discovered that there had been a huge earthquake in Nepal. My youngest brother is currently in Nepal, on day 7/20 hiking in the remote Himalayas. The same trek I had also done about 4 years ago.

Meditation 101 + why I couldn't stop crying

Meditation 101 + why I couldn't stop crying

Let me tell you a little story. 

I was alone, in the Western Australian bush. Crying my eyes out. It was my first silent meditation retreat and we were barely half way through the first day. We had begun ‘noble silence’ just hours before and after a group meditation session I took myself for a peaceful little bushwalk.  It was then, that the tears started flooding in, sadness so heart wrenching, it felt unwarranted by anything I’d experienced in my ‘real life’

exploring, experimenting & evolving || w Claudia Scalisi

exploring, experimenting & evolving || w Claudia Scalisi

This wild, wonderous woman walked into my life almost exactly 12 months ago, it was one of those moments where you just CLICK, you speak the same language and sing the same songs. Claudia has an infectious passion for yoga and has inspired literally hundreds of students through our Beginners Courses. 
If you want a taste of this Italian Bella, you can catch her Monday 12 + 7pm and Tuesday 6.30am.
Here's the scoop from Claudia Scalisi... 

Autumn Ayurvedic must-do's

It may not feel like it quite yet, but autumn is just around the corner. There’s a stack of things we can do to make the transition into dewy mornings and falling leaves a little smoother.  Yoga teaches us to unite our attention to not only our bodies but also to the body of our Earth so let’s take a leisurely stroll down Ayurveda lane.


1.    Stop eating on the run! By eating mindfully and seasonally, we can quickly balance excessive Vata, which dominates autumn and can cause us to feel rushed, scattered or flighty and makes skin and hair brittle and dry. So it’s time to start phasing out cold, raw foods and bring more warming foods into the mix. Go for root veggies and indulge in pots of chai or Vata tea.



2.     Make your yoga practice a nurturing time to listen inwardly and move at a meditative, rhythmic pace. After the warm months our bodies can feel stronger and more flexible than ever, it’s important to refrain from pushing as we transition into a new season muscles and joints become less mobile more susceptible to injury. Although I love to use oil year round, this is its prime time! Organic Sesame oil is great for balancing vata dosha. Practice self-massage to keep body tissues super supple and moist.  

3.  Time to cease multi-tasking, sorry ladies! Write down your ideal daily, weekly or monthly routine to balance sleep, eating, yoga, love and work. Get in the groove of loving your mini rituals (they don’t have to involve chanting or incense, can be as simple as a sunrise cuppa) and embrace going slow. When Vata gets out of balance we can easily feel anxious and worried but when we take time to move mindfully through the day spontaneous inspiration bursts forth and creativity flourishes.

Enjoy the grounding effect of intentional routine; enjoy time in nature, bear witness to the magnificent changing face of our collective home, enjoy nourishing your body and those you love with abundant gratitude, compassion and delight.


What are your fave rituals to enjoy autumn? Share with us the comments below! 



I feel like Compassion needs a total brand overhaul. It has all sorts of sad connotation attached to it, Compassion isn’t soppy, martyr-like or for the faint hearted. It’s a joyous celebration of the fact that deep down, underneath all our stories, we are made of the same stuff. Being compassionate is essentially being a nice human, which sounds simple, but requires huge commitment, the capacity to laugh, not at but with each other. 

Resolve to Evolve

Resolve to Evolve

If you’re anything like me, you’re totally over New Years resolutions – how trite do they feel? We’re getting a yogic infused upgrade and setting Sankalpa. This is about getting crystal clear and realizing your purpose, shifting the focus from what needs to be “improved” to what we wish to create for our outer life and what we want to cultivate inside. Sankalpa is igniting your passion, willpower and making this year radically worthwhile.

3 fave finds of 20-14

You know I’m all for living in the present but I have to admit, I’m already thinking of 2014 as last year. Reflecting on ‘things’ that have changed my life over the last year (ok, 10 months) I have had some seriously good finds. So good in fact, I couldn’t not share them with you.


Here we go


1.   The menstrual cup (also known as a moon cup)

Some friends have been grossed out when I explained this puppy to them but when you think about it, pads and tampons are actually revolting. So, lets get real and talk periods for a sec. This thing is WAY better for your hoo-haa (did you know, they put heaps of chemicals in tampons that actually make you bleed more – so you have to buy more…!!!) WAY better for the environment, cheaper in the long run and WAY less hassle (you almost forget that you’ve got your period) All you do is pop it in, in the morning, over the day it will fill up and you can take it out up to 12 hours later – depending on you flow. Clean and Simple. Life changer.  They retail for about $50 and you can grab them at Royal Beauty in East Perth or the pharmacy on Newcastle/Beaufort cnr in Northbridge. You’re welcome.


2.   Vitamineral Green.

I’ve been through my fair share of green powders and this one is my all time fave. I used to think that having a heap of ingredients n a green powder meant that it wasn’t as potent but now I understand the body loves variety and there’s no fillers in this little baby. So it’s full of green leafys, seaweeds, aglaes, sprouts, grasses and berries. And it works to support detoxification, the immune system, liver, kidneys, blood, bones, colon, pancreas, muscles, brain, regularity, circulation, and longevity….so, it pretty much does everything. AND it actually tastes good! I just add it to my cold-press juice or smoothies. Available at prana health foods at Subiaco station markets and


3.    Futon Mattress

I’ve always wanted one and after getting used to sleeping on super firm beds through India, I just could not go back to smooshy cloud like spring mattresses. Aside from the benefits for the spine and overall sleep hygiene, I sleep deeper, wake up easier and enjoy longer periods of undisturbed sleep. (Also, really awesome if you or your sleep buddy suffer allergies or sensitivities) I got a futon made of 100% cotton which is outstanding, best investment of the year fo’ sure. I got mine locally at Brett’s Futons all made in WA.

Julie Andrews eat your heart out!! 

Fave sleep fact of the week: So, unlike all the other organs the brain is not cleaned by the lymphatic system but by it’s own Cerebral Spinal fluid which only flushes through while we’re sleeping! No sleep = dirty mind.

Love you alchemists

<3 Amanda 





6 weeks 'til Summer!

4 things to be doing Now


Here comes the sun! We’ve had an insanely awesome Spring so it’s likely you’ve already got your pins out and had a peek at your bathing suit. Here’s four ways you can get your bod ready to hit the beach and enjoy the best of summer celebrating the fruits of your 2014 labor!


1.     get your skin ready to bare; if you ‘re not already using one these bad boys get on to it! This will be your bestie leading up to mini-dresses and bikinis. Dry body brushing boosts circulation and removes dead skin cell, all you need to do is take about 5 minutes before you shower, using long stroked toward your heart <3

2.     ramp up the morning yoga; this is the wisest time of year to work up a sweat and get things flowing in your practice, while the mornings are still cool. Spring is all about renewal and cleansing and when we don’t do this thoroughly, the heat of summer can be overwhelming and may deplete our prana lifeforce. 

3.     get super sun savvy; ok so here’s the thing. Sunscreen is toxic, it’s terrible stuff (do your research) unless your using an organic one. I LOVE using natural oils that have a SPF of their own. Raspberry seed oil has an SPF of 30+!! and I’ve found that a combo of cacao butter, grapeseed oil and macadamia oil does the trick pretty nicely. Obviously in Perth you don’t want to be sitting out in the sun all day, but some vitamin D is essential for us to feel happy inside.  Check out for heaps of organic and cold pressed oils.

4.     Lighten your load; start embracing smaller and lighter meals, like I said Spring is about cleansing so this is a great time to jump on the juice bandwagon and cut heavy grains and proteins.  We use 80% of our energy digesting so when we give the gut a break we have way more pizazz to move n groove n heal.


Check out our latest upcoming events for November and December here, we have oh-so much to celebrate and share with YOU!


All my love, yogis
